Saturday, September 8, 2012
Baby Shower...
Don't get me wrong, it's not about my selfishness and self-pity. I don't like baby showers, I've never understood them and felt like I would be driving more people away. You don't know who is infertile or who just had a fresh loss. Of course, if you say no then you get people saying how selfish you are when that person doesn't know your story. Doesn't know that you've been trying for years to conceive. I was invited to one for a friend that has been through the ringer like us. For awhile, I've been busy taking care of my husband and going to my job. I haven't been around some of our neighbors. Well, that neighbor and one skank that I can't stand (it's a very long story, she is just very insensitive about my losses) decided to make it known that I was not wanted there at the shower. They ignored me or were extremely bitchy at me. I know that I can't change their attitude about loss but I did not feel comfortable around them. All they were talking about is their pregnancies and obviously since I may never be there, I really have nothing in common with them.
These "ladies" were talking about their kids and I just sat there--alone. I have nothing to contribute and really didn't want to talk about when I was pregnant. It freaks people out when I do that and I was at a shower. Or I could see them being really insensitive saying, "Well, you really weren't pregnant." I again see that there is no one really there for me anymore. My friends are just fair-weathered and at this point, have flown away. I absolutely have no one to talk to when I get sad because my husband doesn't want to hear it. The only thing that I could do was to kill them with kindness and try to chime in on another subject to talk about.
This is why I struggle with infertility. Because I'm surrounded by people who have children and that's all they talk about. If I don't say anything, they get butt-hurt and think I'm not interested but if I do add something, they look at me like I'm a weirdo. It seems I just belong anywhere anymore. If I do tell them that I'm just struggling, they say something insensitive and say that I need to get over it. No one knows this empty feeling that we both face and will only understand it if they went through it. I know that I just can't discuss it with them and it's sad. That's why you call them a friend because they are supposed to be there for you through thick and thin.
Just stuck and sick of it all.
Labels: baby shower, infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, TTC
The saga continues
The hubster and I discussed it and we're going on a indefinate TTC break. It's going to be for a year so we can save up and go on a Disney Cruise and stay at Universal. He is a big Harry Potter fan and he's been wanting to go since it opened. We had planned to go down there every year but with the miscarriage and treatments, we didn't have it in the budget.
Until now.
The insurance will not pay for what they should be paying (just the ultrasounds for follie checks) and now they are researching the claims that were approved. I know for sure that the IUI and diagnosed scans will be approved because I had to go through appeals for them. But I don't know what they will find to determine why they're not covering it. Anthem has told me that there will be a possibility for me to not to be able to use the lifetime benefit for IUI's because I'm not diagnosed with anything. I find it frustrating that there's a gap of five years between my losses and there's no explaination as to why that occurs. I've tried everything, including changing my diet so I could get pregnant and I'm still with empty arms.
We're going to the Bahamas on the Disney Dream in 2013! We've never been on a cruise, much less a Disney one and it looks fun. There's things that adults can also do too. I booked it last weekend so it's going to be a long wait but I'm planning to save enough so we can do other things in Nassau. I always wanted to swim with the dolphins so I'm going to try to book that. We both agreed to do somethings we normally wouldn't do, so we won't have any regrets once we are graced with a baby. Hopefully, the Walt Disney World will be done upgrading Magic Kingdom so we can just go there for a day. But mostly this year we're going to just go to Universal.
I have lost the weight that I gained from fertility treatments but I'm wanting to get back in shape and lose at least five more pounds (I used to be 115 and now I'm 120) before we go. I have been using a natural detox drink two times a day and I'm beginning to feel so much better! I used to get so sick off of anything that I ate (no matter if it was gluten free) but since I've been doing this, I have more energy and I can keep things down.
Labels: Cruise, Disney, Disney Dream, Harry Potter, infertility, insurance, miscarriage, TTC, Universal
♥ About Me
My name is Jessica and I'm 31 years old. I live in WNY, married to the love of my life and have two adorable kitties and pup! I work from home and absolutely love it! Gotta pay the bills, y'all!
Even though most of our time together has been blissful, there is also some pain to our story. In 2005 I had an ectopic pregnancy and in 2010 I had a missed miscarriage. An ectopic is when the fetus implants somewhere else, rather in the uterus (most common areas are the Fallopian tubes). A missed miscarriage is when the body still thinks the fetus is alive when it passed. After the two losses, we went to an RE who then diagnosed us as Unexplained Infertility and Reoccurring Pregnancy Loss in 2011. May 2014 I then miscarried again at 5 weeks with a chemical pregnancy after our second IUI.
If things couldn't get any worse, I was then diagnosed with Narcolepsy after I was misdiagnosed with being clinically depressed. After the lengthy battle of getting that diagnosis out of my medical records, we are still up in the air if we plan to adopt. Most adoption agencies will not consider adults who are diagnosed with this or any other mental illnesses all in the name of keeping the child's best interest in mind. This fight was just for my sake because agencies still frown on me because of my recent diagnosis. But the hypocrisy in all of that is where is CPS keeping that perspective to a drug addicted mother who can't take care of her kids but still keeps those she reproduces with a "sperm donor"? What is wrong with me being an adopted mother because I'm a Narcoleptic? I routinely make sure I take my medication, follow a strict diet, go to my routine medical appointments to ensure my medication is working, and pursuing job opportunities. Ahh, because it's medical expenses that my health insurance covers but it makes them think I don't have any money nor energy for that child. right.
♥ loves
Of course, my first love will be my adorable hubby! He's my rock and is there when I need him the most. I don't know if I could get through my dark days without him. I love to watch movies, playing video games, working out, and listening to music. Both of us are Disney fans and love going down to Florida every now and then.
♥ Desires
♥ Acroynms that I use
BFN: Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result)
IUI: Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
TTA: Trying To Avoid
TTC: Trying To Conceive