Monday, July 22, 2013
Lost Aspirations....
Many people don't get me, way before the whole infertility/miscarriage thing occurred. Maybe that I have a quirky and dark sense of humor. It's an acquired taste. I could make friends and liked to talk to new people but they weren't the type that could be friends with me for very long. It was a very one-sided relationship to most but a few did stay and still keep in touch...mostly where I was making most of the effort. College was great to me because I worked hard and thought I formed better friendships there than I did in high school.
It was true for the some that still keep in touch. Like my bestie who was my roommate in college that was also my maid of honor in my wedding. We still keep in touch and a couple of days ago I was so distraught and called her really early in the morning. She picked up and we talked until I felt better. She's been there for so many things and I'm so glad that she is in my life. She knows she can do the same if she is ever in that situation.
But there's another friend that kinda makes me wonder what goes on in her mind. There's quite a distance between us but I thought she was the type of friend that I could tell her anything and she'll be supportive. I never thought I could be so wrong because she is so different. Where she brings up kids and then brings up infertility and automatically assume that I shouldn't even say anything about my own experience of being isolated by people or agreeing on her viewpoints. I'm not glass, I promise I won't break. I think it brings closure to me if I discuss what happened so people understand that it does happen and I'm not ashamed of it. That if one other woman describes what happened to me to another person in that situation, it makes them feel like they are not alone. The thing that really gets me is why bring it up? To try to bring me down and not like the results of not making me feel like shit? Then quickly say, "Well, my phone is about to die, I gotta go. Plus, it's late and I got to go to
work." I never heard her get off the phone so quickly all the times we talked. Maybe she did need to charge her phone but her asking how my job was at Job Corps when I supposingly talked to her through e-mail about getting laid off recently makes me doubt that. Maybe that is why we haven't talked since last September, that was the last time I left a message to call me back.
But I guess with some people that I associate with I need to set my expectations a little bit lower than others. That way I don't get disappointed in what they have to say or when they don't make the effort that I do to keep in touch. Upset at their actions and then feel like I did something wrong. I know that when I needed some of my friends the most, they were nowhere to be found. Hell, they de-friended me the day I announced on my Facebook that I was no longer going to be a mother! I guess the saying about fair-weather friends are true. It made me learn that I don't need those type of people in my life--just there when the going gets good and just up and leave when times are tough.
I wished that it didn't hurt so much.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
The nightmare that is Job Corps....
Because I didn't sign any non-disclosure agreements prior to my departure, I will tell you the horror stories that I had to face there (gotcha, Job Corps suckers!). Before I start a long novel of my trials and tribulations, I will forewarn you--I am fully aware that not every workplace is going to be like Disney World, where everyone gets along and is all puppies and rainbows. There is no such thing like this in the real world much less in a work environment. There is a difference though of tolerating people with various personalities and being so hostile that no one wants to work with you. I was there for over four years and I have worked in other administrative offices during my career with little to no problems. It's sad when I favored my temp work-site than Job Corps! Hell, I loved my Human Resource Internship at a local casino and you would think that would be hell on Earth because, well, it's a place where people get let go, explained write-ups, or have to go through the process of resolving other employee issues through mediation. Not really touchy feely subjects. When I say that I had a job there, former students have stated that they were employees there when they are not. Yes, they get paid and fill out paperwork but they are not considered employees, they are
students. I am talking about the staff that work both directly (teachers, trade instructors, cafeteria aides, etc.) and indirectly (administrative offices). The events that happen in this post are either that personally happened to me or those that spoke to me about what exactly happened (which are very few). Situations where charges are involved by staff or students were documented by various witnesses.
Regardless of what position you get, run if you are offered the position at the WNY center! It pays well and I'll admit that, but for your mental health it's not worth it. In my initial interview, I was informed of what type of environment and the "Job Corps Culture" so I knew what I was signing up for in that aspect. That center I was employed at had students from various backgrounds and culture. If you never heard of Job Corps, it is a government program that helps at-risk youth ranging from 16-24 years of age. At-risk can be determined if someone is a high risk of dropping out of high school, going into a gang, or at risk of substance abuse to name a few examples. Most students are given an opportunity to stay in the dorms, get a very small living allowance while they are learning a trade and/or obtaining their GED/High School diploma. Not only are they housed but given a work uniform (whether it be Job Corps attire, LPN scrubs, or denim jeans for hard trades) and can accumulate more funds for clothing. They are also allowed to go on shopping trips and if students obtain Gold, VIP, or Silver cards they have the option to go on incentive trips like going to a local water park or a paint ball trip. But shopping trips they have preference over any student, making it difficult for regular students to get things they need from Walmart. When they complete the program, they receive a check for whatever they complete.
But do you see the entitlement issue that can happen? Yes, there are some perks but there are strict rules that need to be followed or they will be written up. But some of the students, who sign on are aware of the rules because their admissions counselor explains them. However, I think they assume they can do the same things they did at home on center. One strict rule is that you can't have your cell phone during training hours (Monday-Friday: 8:00am-3:50pm) on you, regardless if it's on silent or not. This is "heartbreaking" for some students who proclaim they must have their cell phone glued to their hands 24/7 because they say they were able to get away with it at high school. I have caught a male student that was talking on his phone and refused to give me the phone when I kindly asked him; immediately wanting to talk to the Center Director.
Lets call this person "Peter". Because it was a common area for students, I decided to take him to that area so there won't be an audience to show how gangsta he was. I was thankful that there was another staff member there and did assist me in this issue. After myself and the staff member repeatedly requested his phone, he refused every time. I tried to talk to Pete while another staff member came in to assess the situation. Peter was getting agitated to the point where he almost attacked me and at that point I radioed for assistance. Security confiscated the phone and escorted the student out while statements were written down and my manager was notified. ASIO (Academy Security and Incentives Officer) brushed it off and stated that it was just a simple misunderstanding and the student would apologize if I agreed to it. I refused to meet with the student and stated that he should have been sent home since I felt threatened and the two staff members who witnessed it agreed that he was acting in a menacing way. This wouldn't happen because ASIO deemed that it wasn't intimidating as I made it appear to be and the matter was closed. Too bad they didn't take my advice seriously because that weekend Peter was involved in an altercation with another student, leaving cuts and bruises on the other student. Because Pete left marks, he was charged with a Level I Zero Tolerance for Assaulting a Student, Leaving Bodily Harm and immediately terminated from the program.
The really funny thing is that this place boasts that it's not violent toward staff when it's actually the opposite. The only way a student will be sent home if they try to assault a manager. One manager who is notoriously known by both student and staff to try to instigate people while at work did this to a student who is known for a temper and known for voicing concerns. A small violation that could have been easily resolved occurred in the cafeteria and instead of writing this student up and leave it like that, the manager decided to egg the student on. The student said some threatening things but never acted on them. Even when the student talked to ASIO about the incident and explained what happened, it didn't matter. The student was charged with a Level II offense of Attempting to Intimidate and/or Coerce Student/Staff because the staff member stated that he felt threatened. This charge doesn't spell automatic termination but those on the review board recommended it and the Center Director (who obviously has the final say and sometimes won't take the recommendation) informed said person that he//she was going to be separated. But I guess almost lunging at me and berating me much worse than what was said to the manager is not considered violent? I guess it's also OK to terminate another student in 2010 that pushed the same ASIO so they could run to their dorm and refuse to come out because they were in the process of getting terminated anyways. They were also arrested by law enforcement, another rare feat! But nope, Peter couldn't be bothered!
Speaking of zero tolerance, when new students are explained this it is a complete joke. I had a male student sexually harass me which falls into this category. My manager claims he/she didn't see it so there were no witnesses. After writing statements to both Human Resource and the Liaison Officer that addresses student-student issues or staff-student issues, I was told that since the student claimed he didn't do anything so he must be telling the truth and I just couldn't identify him! Nothing was done even though I stated countless of times I didn't misidentify the male. This officer did inform me that it was confidential and to inform them if the student tried to talk to me about it. Of course the student did and even after telling the Liaison Officer this, and again because student said that he, "didn't do anything" (even though I had a witness with me that confirmed that he did approach me) nothing must have happened and not to believe your fellow co-worker! In 2011, there were a lot of students who were getting kicked out of the program due to second positive drug tests or those that tested negative for drugs when they came in were suddenly testing positive when a staff filed a grievance for them to be tested. Some were also caught with possessing drugs. Jeopardizing losing our first page placement in a report that shows successful centers, the director announced that he/she were willing to make "deals" with those that would have information leading to the student that is supplying drugs on center. Or those that took some drugs from this person to come forward and confess before a drug test could damper their future in Job Corps. If they disclose this information before the end of that day, they wouldn't be tested or the director would give them a pass.
What about the Zero Tolerance conviction for those that may test positive again within the 45 days stated in our policy book? Does that go out the window because you want to make sure that next year you can upgrade to a spiffy new luxury car model with the bonus incentive that you received for being so successful? What about giving that to staff that bust their asses working and probably not have had a raise for years? What are we telling these students that it is ok to do this, just don't get caught or make deals? To even proclaim that to the students is insulting to staff that tell them to stay off drugs and also to the program that promotes a drug-free environment! Also notice that the police weren't involved?
When students' are terminated because of drug possession, they are rarely arrested by local police and the center will not report it to them. The community has little to no respect to the center, the students , nor the Job Corps program as a whole. Many of the students are refused in certain shops due to store employees catching them stealing products to the negative cogitation that the program projects. During my four years there, only two students were arrested. The one that I mentioned above and a student between 2009-2010. He was employed at a local pharamacy since he was at the next stage of the program where he was given privilege to work an internship at a local pharmacy. Because he was off-center, he was caught stealing narcotic medications in hopes to sell on our center. You will not find anything in the news about this because everything is swept under the rug. I was also accused of racism because I had a case of mistaken identity and that person decided to compare the person's name I said and her skin color to me. Even though I stated that people make mistakes and people call me a different name all the time, I said that it was inappropriate to take it that far. I also notified Human Resources, wrote a statement and the Liason was called. I was told that since this student was leaving, they chalked it up to the "stresses" of leaving and nothing would be done, despite me stating that she should be accountable for her actions. Because we have Job Corps Standards that we hold everyone else to, right?
I also was not informed of the bullying and nastiness of most of the staff that I had to encounter. There is also a reason why they were mostly employed there--because a majority of managers and entry-level staff would not be able to hold the equivalency of their job in the real world. Here are some great examples:
- Because of their sheer incompetence: I knew some staff that were there longer than I was and they still couldn't figure out simple task that was part of their job functions. An example of this would be, say, a counselor putting in an Administrative Leave With Pay. In this instance Job Cops would be paying them to go home (whatever address is on file) to do what they need to do and come back to center. Most of these leaves were court appearances and medical appointments. My department needed documentation to support this and attached to the leave form (any leave that we pay for needs documentation). Before I left in March, there was a counselor that consistently sent horrifically erroneous forms to us and expect us to either correct them or record them in the system. If they have a slightest mistake on them, we have to send it back and they have to start all over. When I say erroneous, it is so bad that I had to sit there for a brief moment to compose myself before I e-mailed them to send them a novel of what was either incorrect or missing (No comments as to why they are going on leave, pay travel isn't check marked, leave times were wrong, and sometimes the minor comment of what type of leave was incorrect!) Mind you, I would keep the documentation that was given because that was the only thing that was correct but rip off the top form. That way, there really isn't a hassle for them to get another copy of that. That wouldn't matter because this person would freak out on me every goddamn time. But the question I have is why didn't their manager who has to sign it (as well as the Center Director) catch this? Because everyone sits on their hands and assumes that our department would fix it. Due to policies we can't; there needs to be a system of checks and balances. Ideally caught in time, it would save everyone time and energy (especially those that sign it) as well as paper. There was another instance of the Duty Officers called me at 1am (yep in the morning!) because a flight was delayed due to weather. They were given so much money due to policy in which they spent for food. They called center and explained the situation. I was called right afterwards instead of either calling my manager or the center director. This officer expected that I could do something even though they conceded that nothing was open! So why didn't you call the center director with this concern and say that you would call us before the end of the shift?
- Their attitude and the whole, "lets throw everyone under the bus to deflect that I made the mistake and I don't want to be held accountable": Yeah, that got old really quick and because of that I heavily utilized e-mails for documentation. That isolated me immensely because if I did use the phone and told the staff member to e-mail me what we discussed it wouldn't be done. And that staff member would 99.9% of the time lie about the situation if confronted by a manager if a mistake was made on their end. In regards to their attitude, in 2009 the morning sign in policy was that dorm sign-ins would go to the school secretary until 10am and then sent down to my department before the cut off time of 10:45am. That way if a student is permitted on center before that time, they will not go AWOL (absent without leave) and won't have to waste time by walking all over center to sign in. A student forgot to sign in and instead of going to the school, went to my office. It was 8:30am so I told them to go to the school to sign, explaining the policies. I left a message for the secretary that this person was coming up. I get a call when the student came to her office, asking if I sent her up. I confirmed and stated that I left a message on her voice-mail. She asked me why I did that. As I was explaining the policies, she started to interrupt me screaming at me that I was wrong, calling me obscenities before hanging up on me while I was talking. I spoke to my manager who then in turn had a discussion with her manager. Basically, I was yelled at for doing my job correctly by an entry-level employee in the presence of a student no less!
- Unwilling to participate in a team work environment: When I first started in 2009, I assisted many staff members with their work or assisted in the cafeteria as a monitor. Still managing to get my work done, I went above and beyond. I knew there was going to be a time where I may need some assistance and I could call on those that I aided, right? Wrong. Another staff member was asked to help us file because the form flow in the office was really fast and one person couldn't keep up with it, it's impossible. They obliged because I have helped them before. First day this person was supposed to come down, never did or just was there an hour when they were supposed to be there for three hours that day without telling us where they were going. At first, I didn't say anything until my manager asked because I was friendly towards this person and thought that maybe their workflow was getting affected as well. But when I noticed this person was in their office just chit-chatting with students and not doing work that was when I let my manager know what was going on. When the filer did come down, because my manager was informing their manager what was going on, they were mad at management and decided to be a warm body at my office. Instead of helping out, this person sat down and played on their phone the whole time. I didn't have to tell my manager anything because it was spelled out that the filer wasn't doing anything. They were only there for six months before being dismissed and I was left having to do overtime to catch up, only to be lagging again a couple of months later. Great teamwork!
If, like me, you have no choice but to take a Job Corps position (Some state unemployment programs won't let you refuse jobs that fit a certain criteria. If you don't disclose it, you risk your benefits and maybe arrested for fraud!), try to get as much information about your department manager and supervisor as you can. Knowing the good, the bad, and the ugly helps you
cope prepare. With my experience, there was only one manager that was decent but the others were just awful. You know that scene in
Office Space where Peter Gibbons forgets to follow the recent memo about putting cover letters on TPS Reports? If you haven't seen that movie, this character made a mistake on his reports which could have been prevented if he just read the memo. Like I stated above, his boss pointed it out. He was acting, quite frankly, dick-ish about it. Like the astute worker that Pete is, he acknowledges the omission and will make sure that he reads the memos he gets from now on. All is right in the world! Even though the main character stated he still had the copy of the memo in question, his boss was going to make another copy of it for him. A few minutes later, another manager comes to his cubicle to point out Pete's mistake but was more condescending than his actual boss. He states that the mistake is remedied but this manager still talks to him like he is a fucking moron, ensures that he is going to make sure good ol' Petie gets a copy of the memo, pats his back and walks away. Now Gibbons is starting to assume he's in the process of being micro-managed by everyone on a gloomy Monday morning! He is about to go back to work when he gets a call from a third person stating the error that he was already lectured about by two different managers. Annoyed, Pete explained for t he third time the mistake and has a copy of the memo for future reference. However, he will be getting another copy by this third person so now he'll have a total of four memos at his desk. That was the gist of what happened to me at that Job Corps. Or I would get someone's manager trying to be my manager when they were out of their offices and I was left in charge. When I tell them that I won't be able to help them because it goes against the policies set forth in my department they will need to speak to my manager. Since they want to always get their way despite following rules that are there for a reason, the managers will either resort to name calling or state that I don't do work to my manager despite the obvious that I did work hard there. Because my ideal dream out of college was to deal with managers that have a mentality of a toddler. Yay for the American Dream!
Me being in charge was the only thing consistent because my boss,
which we'll name Martin, was allergic to work. Either he would lock himself in his office for hours on end (and I don't want to know what he did in there, trust me!), say he was going to "meetings" on center but never disclosed the area, or stay longer than expected in areas to avoid work. When in his locked office, I would frequently observe
female students entering/leaving. Sometimes he would come in late and not notify anyone including the Center Director or wouldn't come in at all failing to let someone know. I should have left during my first week because I was left alone, not knowing any procedures quite yet on multiple occasions and having to deal with student questions. Distribution of student pay was interesting that first week too because my manager wasn't there. Because of Martin's absence, time sensitive reports were delayed but if I attempted to process the reports and he had an unseen schedule change and came in later, I was told to complete it instead of him working where I left off (most of the time I just printed additional paperwork to account for things in that report. He still wouldn't take it if I told him that). Thank God nothing too serious happened where I was sexually assaulted by a student or beaten to a bloody pulp because I would have been screwed. The office was in a quiet area at the very end of a hallway and the only time people came in that area is if something is wrong with their student check during Payline or it's my manager. This area is home to the IT department but the only person in that field is always out and about. A majority of my time working there was literally by myself.
Three and a half years ago, I was diagnosed with a medical condition where I need to report to my doctor's office every month to get medicine. This duration is for the rest of my life. When working, this is a huge issue because I would need to take time away to go to my doctor's office, get what I need, and go back to work. Since the office and my job had the same schedule and they weren't open on the weekends, there was no way to work around my job. I did not divulge what I had, I just stated that I needed to be medically accommodated each month and willing to come in early or stay late to recoup the time. I was told that I would need to use my time and once that was depleted I would start to get a verbal warning, a write-up, coached, have a personal day of reflection, and then I could be terminated if it got that far. Every month I would accrue vacation but was given so many personal days and sick days per year. If I don't use that before the year is up, it's completely gone and I'll start anew that year. I then suggested to Martin if I could supply the nurses with my medication so they can administer it (which just contains a vitamin, nothing like a controlled substance that could be addicting) to Health & Wellness but it was denied due to policies. I then expressed my concern that I shouldn't get punished for something that is out of my control and that it wouldn't be right not to be able to enjoy the personal and vacation as it should be used for. I also explained that by law, he as well as the company had to accommodate me and flex my schedule due to this condition. Since he didn't "know" what could be done, he was going to get back to me but until then I would have to use my time. Two months went by and he kept pushing the issue to the side, yelling at me that he would take care of it when I asked for an update. After the third month, I talked to H/R myself and was told that he never called them. I asked if I could make up the time. They had no problem with it and to contact another staff member in the financial department who in turn will talk to the Region. Well, no one told me that I also needed to go to the Center Director to get this approved before going to the Region. It was too late because the person that was in Finance went to the Region. It was approved but
no one told my manager nor the Center Director until I forwarded the e-mail to Martin about a year after I asked and he never thought of it. Really, you approved every time I stated that I needed to go to my appointment and didn't noticed that I made up the time? Every year afterwards, he and the director would flip shit that I couldn't do that and each year had to remind them that I gave the e-mail from the Region to my manager. Then in the beginning of 2013, I was told that I couldn't come in early like I was doing for years because it would be a "security issue" since it's so early. Sometimes I couldn't stay late but I got curious and just asked in passing this to Security. I was told that no policy stated that I couldn't come in early!
It didn't stop there because I should have just let them take my time with my shot because Martin would relentlessly guilt trip me when I sent him a time off request for the date he also wanted off. One person needed to be in the department at all times and couldn't be closed except for dire circumstances. Who is the manager? Because it certainly isn't me! You knew what you were signing up for when you took that position. He would also have a fit if I refused to move my medical appointments with my specialist. Reminding Martin that this is a medical procedure and will need to be accommodated per law, he still would order me to come to work that morning. Again, Human Resources were involved and really suggested me to let him know why I needed to go to my specialist. I wasn't hesitant but they explained that he would be more sympathetic. To this day, I regret disclosing my condition to him because there were several incidents that he told insensitive jokes about what I had or would ask if I watched a comedy show that mentioned what I had. When I stated that I didn't and really didn't like the show, he proceeded to tell me the episode and the cruel punchline. I told him that I was upset and thought that was insensitive to discuss that with me, he looked at me as if I was the bitch and walked away.
The subject of harassment continued for three more years from various staff as well as Martin. Again, I'm very tolerant with jokes and teasing but when I say that I need to get back to work it doesn't mean that you need to continue until I ask again and then start name-calling. The same manager that I discussed that likes to "get ones goat" would do this every single day and call me a bitch, had a nickname for me that was repeated to other staff members that non-nonchalantly stated that I was a bitch, called me "psycho" when the response that I gave wasn't to their liking even though they knew about my miscarriage that year. When I had that unfortunate event happen and had to go back to surgery because of complications, I was told that I better come in the following day because they would no give me anymore time to mend and wouldn't let me use FMLA or Short Term Disability. I wished that I stated that my husband would go up there to collect my things, that I was resigning, and to expect a call from my lawyer. This situation happened to two different staff members: One whose husband was severely injured, went through the right channels in calling off and using whatever time available and then came in to see HR to fill out the FMLA paperwork successfully. When she came back, she was on thin ice because her leave wasn't approved even though HR told her that it was. She was put on a contract and if she called off one more time, she was going to be fired. She gave her two week notice last summer and I bet she's better and happier. The other staff member's wife died and he was able to use bereavement. When explained that he needed to take a couple more days off, he was denied! How can you tell someone who has been there for 15 years at that time that he can't have a couple of more days off to get everything in order? It wasn't like he didn't have the time, it was just that they were "way too busy and didn't want to pay the substitute to come in to fill in".
This center is notorious for departments to be short staffed and demand those departments to still be productive and 100% accurate. It was nearly impossible for us to be caught up with everything when two additional people should have also been hired due to student-to-staff ratio. But of course they won't give those that give the center awards and works hard a raise. I haven't gotten one since my probationary period was lifted in 2009! But in staff meetings we were told by the head honcho that, "We always have done a great job and I'll give you a pat on the back!" Pats on the back don't pay the bills that always increase each year. Everything increased except our paychecks. My manager hardly did his work and would have numerous boxes of folders that were never audited in his office for months at a time. When I desperately needed assistance in either review applicant folders (They only could be in our offices for a maximum of two business days for review) or some other task and asked for his help he would hold it, not do it, and give it back to me the next day and demand me to do it. But in my evaluations if I didn't ask for help he would put that down for improvement and vice-versa. My attire was always questioned even though I was always compliant per the handbook policies. There were many times he would talk about inappropriate subject matter that made me feel very uncomfortable. During my first months, I observed a fight outside my office window and was going to radio for assistance. Instead of requesting me to not call it in and to let the RA do it because I'm physically not there, he tried to snatch my radio from my hands.
I moved away and he physically grabbed my shoulder and my arm to yank it out of my hand. He apologized and I said to him that he should have called my attention instead of putting his hands on me. Another incident where I regret not telling Human Resource but this was when I was first employed and not even done with my probationary period. I needed this job at the time and couldn't get dismissed since it took so long to find something around this area. I was afraid that if I called that out, he would make sure that I would end my employment there. I truly believe in my opinion this started all the shit that would happen in the years to come.
I applied for a Human Resource position in hopes that I could get out of that hell hole department. Unfortunately, I was told that since it wasn't considered a "promotion" I wasn't considered for it even though I did meet the requirements for said position (I have approximately a year of experience which the job posting stated was required). How much experience did the person who got the position?
None (from what the new Human Resource Clerk told me when I casually asked the bimbo!) . Can we smell Job Discrimination? When you are initially hired, the "higher ups" are just using you as a pawn in their game and when you make a slight mistake that could be easily remedied or say something that they don't agree, they will get rid of you. Again, because departments are under-staffed a minor mistake was made where I made a simple coding mistake when terminating a student because of disciplinary reasons. This was done during the auditing stages so it could be changed when found, which was found. This was also was when I was still a newbie. The center director basically wanted my head served on a platter, wanted me to be written up with several coaching periods. This was the first time I had ever made a mistake. You can't just give someone a written warning like this, it has to be first verbal and then written. Luckily, Martin did have some common sense and explained to his superior that this wasn't warranted as going so drastic like that.
But with all the examples that I mentioned in here, why didn't I say one word to Human Resources or even my manager? I did and even though one incident was looked at seriously and resolved, the others weren't. The filer that was also getting spoken to Martin filed a complaint on him and they were also not taken seriously. But all the other issues that I spoke to Human Resources instead of my manager were not even investigated by Human Resources. I had another instance where my boss was extremely disrespectful to the point of mental abuse. Did H/R do anything? Nope, they at first told me, "Well, that's just Martin and you know that." But when I did file a complaint and it was basically done to just appease me, he decided to retaliate against me and gotten me written up for something that he never verbally warned me at all but claims to have done so. When I pointed out to Human Resource this bullshit and said how convenient that this happened after I complained on him, H/R stated nothing could be done on their end. (even though it was obvious). It was a warning that if I continue to complain on him, he'll make sure I will be fired.
I really wanted to continue to raise my concerns about my boss but I focused my efforts on finding another job on the outside, a feat that lasted for three years without any success. And again, it was convenient that a report documented that the issues were settled, closing that write up. But because this was placed in my folder, I was considered in the second wave of lay-offs according to the WARN letter received in the mail. The first that were let go were temps, then those that voluntarily asked to be laid off. But before they gave me the door, they tried to state something that I nor my fellow co-workers wouldn't believe either.
There were gift cards in my office that were used to help the students pay for their luggage if we have to fly them. Everything was audited, including the gift cards that were used and there weren't forms created to log it, only partial receipts sent to us from a company that processed them for us. On these receipts were student's names but no dates in which they were given to them. At least I had something for reference and it was a better situation that the Admission Counselors were in--they never kept track of them at all! There were some students who paid in cash because they never got a card so our center would get the receipt and give them a card in lieu of money. Due to this instance we were audited because it was alerting the DOL that they weren't being used for luggage and wanted to make sure they were used correctly. But the most disheartening thing was that I was accused of stealing from my employer without any proof that I did and tried to terminate me for violating a policy that doesn't exist on how to account these cards! Due to the fact that some of the charges were from Wal-Mart in both close to center and where I live it caused a "suspicion". Times were also created a red flag because the times that they were used was when I was off of my shift. Because that is such solid evidence of me using them for my own personal gain! And why would I want to travel to a Wal-mart that is 45 minutes away from where I live? /sarcasm. But then I said to the center director that if you're going to accuse me of doing something so vile, you should also be holding this responsibility on my manager since this is his department. Nothing was said, of course! In 2010, I had a discussion with Martin about inventorying them and maintaining a log. His response was, "It is a waste of time. We don't need to do that." But I did anyways and that was the only thing that was my saving grace. Also Martin wanted me to label my drawers since my office could be accessed by only a few people. He was growing tired of calling me and leave voice-mail messages about their location because I wouldn't pick up my phone. Sorry, I don't take any calls from center when I need some R&R! So when the director came in, started freaking out about that and I removed the sticker. But it was all my fault even though I explained the situation. Coincidentally, the day that Martin and I were called into her office was the day I was laid off. Things that make you go 'hmmmm'! Even though the majority of the report didn't account the cards, the "investigation" was completed and explained that new procedures will be set forth to prevent this from happening again. When I confronted the director about accusing me of stealing they instantly backtracked to state that I was fine. I also mentioned the e-mail I received from this director (who also copied Human Resources) wanting some details about some questionable charges. I detailed that even though I did order the transportation tickets, I never filled out the gift card for use because I wasn't on center on the dates listed in the e-mail. If the director (who claimed to be so close to other staff) read my e-mail stating that I was off-center. This person, who openly knew what happened and did bring it up on occasions a month before this meeting happened, made a snide comment about how I took so much time off during that period. To Martin's and their surprise, I simply stated that you would too if they were out getting their dead baby scraped out of them". I then went to lunch, started working afterwards and by 3:00pm I was told the news but it "wasn't about the issue with the gift cards." To best quote Dana Scully from an X-file episode, "Sure, fine, whatever." Those three managers that were involved knew damn well they were trying to find ways to fire me so not only did they have an excuse to not pay unemployment and severance but to prove that the rumors of me being so lousy were true. For the record, that rumor circulated because
For a few months, I was apprehensive of doing my big "tell-all" online about a company and federal program that should have been closed down a long time ago. But with the WARN letter describing how I would be called back to work once student enrollment resumed, I didn't want this to ruin my chances of being rehired. Even though I did interview and none of the offices knew what to do with those that were laid off since it's "never happened at (insert company name here) before". Ok, I'm not that naive and I highly doubt that. I know in the 90's that center was closed down due to having a new contractor so they must have laid off some staff. Granted I know they had to interview those that applied but I am extremely skeptical that one of them was more qualified than I was. Four years of experience in that exact same position and also had learned managerial experience there. That's not including my degree as well as previous work experience. Again, I feel that there was more than the excuse of "we've decided to go with someone that has more experience in this department and has managerial experience". Alas, there is nothing to be done about it because I received a severance check (and in a funny way the person who typed my check can't spell "severance" at the regional office!) and by accepting it binds me from suing. Another quinky-dink was that after I got the call from my former manager (mind you on his cell phone so he has my personal phone number stored in his cell phone), I spoke with the Job Corps Recruiting Office in California about the possibility of my lawyer getting involved to make sure everything was legit and she quickly was apologetic and stated that she would contact that center to see what was really going on. I get a severance check in the mail a week ago (I was terminated about four months ago)! All these "coincidences" are sure piling up!
Yes, there are a few success stories and even George Forman was a Job Corps student (not at the center where I was employed at) but there are mostly tragic ones. It has been said that at our center, 1 in 4 students in an input group will leave within their first three months of arriving. Testing positive on a drug test twice within 45 days at Job Corps, smuggling drugs in, gangs, unplanned pregnancy are just a few examples of early termination. Their education is free to them but who really ends up paying? The taxpayer! Incidences that I have mentioned are just the icing on the cake. There are some many other stories that I haven't told about corruption from the administrative offices to other offenses that are swept under the rug. Most companies (and temp agencies including the one that I used to briefly worked for) will not hire Job Corps students or are very leery of them because of the stigma of being "at-risk". A lot of former students that I knew are either in jail, dead, or proving to both themselves and others that they are succeeding.
I have tried to make this short and sweet but there was so much to tell about those four years of absolute hell that there was no way to shorten it. Also, I had to edit because I guess I can't write that well when I'm angry. But the bottom line: Don't work there! Or if you think you can manage to do so, just make sure you watch your back and document everything! You never know when you have to bring your findings to Human Resources to defend yourself and your right to work there.
Labels: abuse, Human Resources, husband, Job Corps, layoff, miscarriage, tell all, unemployment
Well, this is depressing....
It's been almost four months since my manager and HR huddled into my office and told me I was another lay-off casualty. Almost four months of looking hard and "wowing" the socks off of interviewers for positions that I thought would get because of my qualifications.
And almost four months, I still do not have a job.
What was hilarious in this case was that three weeks later, the enrollment freeze ended and management (like always) didn't know what to do with those that they laid off even though they were categorized as being permanently gone. Instead of calling back those that were affected and asking if they were still interested in their old job (which would be the logical and common sense thing to do), they were called back to arrange a freaking interview for their old job. This was no guarantee that they would get their position and I learned that the hard way. At first it was devastating but I eventually got over it. My philosophy is that if they didn't want me, that's fine but do not call me or ask me to reapply when the person there quits, gets fired, or transfers because they can't stand the manager. Believe me, that department had
four people that were in that specific position before I came in a six month period. This should have told me to run far away when I got the job offer but I thought it was just the previous employee attitudes or got another job offer that had a better pay. To this day I do not know how I managed to not walk out, get fired, or shoot up the place during my four year "career" there. Please note that I am a very patient and sane woman but the manager that I had to deal with was a nightmare.
But I'm still going on the cruise in September though! If I didn't buy the plane tickets, I was contemplating to see if I could rearrange the dates so we could go sooner than expected. We would have our vacation (mind you, this would be my first real one since I first started working at Job Corps) and just be able to enjoy ourselves. When I bought the tickets, it was way before I got the WARN letter stating that lay-offs could take place. Thus, I never contemplated on buying refundable airline tickets. The upside to this was that I only purchase one-ways the morning of the cruise because I needed to get a direct flight. I purchased them early so I couldn't buy round-trip since Jetblue hadn't released the return dates. And that is the downside because I have yet to purchase them! I am hoping that the travel sites will have a sale soon.
The same for staying at Universal but we were able to change our dates for a $50 revision fee. Even reformatting it didn't help us so we had to cancel it altogether. Luckily we are going to be receiving the initial security deposit back, which was $100. The hubby and I are still going to enjoy Universal but just not stay on property like we wanted to. Utilizing, I managed to get a really good deal on a hotel that is a hop, skip and a jump from Universal. In previous years, I could never get my bid to successfully go through because hotels weren't accommodating my inner cheap-skate until last night! Got it for $35 for three nights but they charge the ever loving beejezus out of you with "fees". In all actuality, I only paid an extra twenty dollars when you factor in that security deposit!
However, I did get insurance on the cruise to the Bahamas and I'm thankful that I did. It covers any medical necessity, lost or stolen baggage, or trip cancellation. I almost completely cancelled it but when we discussed it, everything was already paid. Plus, it is an all inclusive trip so the only thing we really were paying for were alcoholic drinks, souvenirs or excursions. If I really play our cards right with souvenirs, Christmas gifts would be done! Two for one!
Jer made a great point last night where he reminisced at when we were dating and went on Spring Break to Florida back in 2004. It was our first big trip together (we went to Canada but since we were closer to there than Florida, it doesn't count, lol!) and we managed to save whatever we could to go. He drove the entire way there in about a day and we didn't even stay on property. When I went to Disney with my family in 1999, I still had a couple of days on one of my passes at my house. At that time when you bought Disney park hoppers, you didn't have to pay extra for the unlimited feature like you do today. We had a seven day ticket at that time and I think we used all but two days. My mom let me use my brother's pass too because he grew out of Disney (who does that? That is the only place I still feel like I'm a kid again!). With this trip I admit I went all out because I wanted us to enjoy and embrace these adventures before we have kids. We did splurge more on our honeymoon when we went to Florida. Looking back to compare, we had just as much fun in 2004 when we were penny pinching!