Tuesday, December 30, 2014
7 weeks and 4 days....
I was a nervous mess today not because I'm another year older but I had no idea if I was going to hear the heartbeat. My husband and I made a trip up to the RE's office for the (hopefully) last time to see if my baby's was progressing like they should. After getting set-up and all, the tech was looking at the monitor and didn't face it towards me which made me even more nervous. Was she not seeing the heartbeat, was she trying to turn up the sound so we can hear that beautiful sound? Or was she bracing us for the worst news that it was another miscarriage?
Nope, she smiled and gave us a thumbs up once she was able to see the heartbeat! Because the office's equipment is so old there wasn't a way for us to hear it but we got to see it. Very neat to see it and it's a healthy 145 bpm! Spoke to the another specialist and since everything is perfectly fine at this time...they really couldn't be asking for anything more at this point. They officially graduated me and my husband took me out for dinner for my birthday. Here's my little bub-a-lub:
The greatest birthday gift ever! |
So now my next task will be finding an OB that specializes with pregnancy loss. It's going to be a difficult task since my area it seems like they're fertile hoes that don't need any help.
Friday, December 12, 2014
5 weeks exactly today!!
This has been one of my happier days in such a long time. It started out nerve wrecking because I was so anxious about today's medical appointment outcome that I couldn't sleep. The ultrasound couldn't get any better! There was a beautiful little dot and in my uterus, where he/she should be. The tech looked around and found the gestational sac and we could even see the littlest yolk sac forming. It had to be really pointed out to us but when my husband was getting concerned the tech was able to show us that it's forming.
Then we spoke to our specialist who was elated that I was able to get pregnant on my own. He gave me something that I never was given before---a sonogram picture! Unfortunately I left in my husband's car and he had to go to back to his mom back home. I'll post it in a few days once he comes home.
The next appointment is on my birthday and we should be able to hear the heartbeat. I'm freaking out because we have never heard one at all. I was told that I could use baby aspirin but I didn't have to. I want to use that just in case that was an issue but why fix something that's not broken?
So either I will have the best birthday ever or the worst one I've ever had. I'm hoping that this is it and we hear that beautiful heartbeat.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Beta Results!!
This morning I went down to the lab for them to do my betas. My office is over the moon that I'm pregnant and told me my numbers are 783! So that's the reason why my pregnancy test popped the results up so quickly. I'm about 4 weeks and 3 days along. Friday I have my ultrasound and going to speak with my specialist to see what will happen moving forward.
If all goes well, I now have $600 in fertility drugs in my fridge that I need to get rid of!!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Christmas Came Early!!
The last couple of days I have been feeling really tired and cranky. I just thought I was working too much and just needed to catch up on some sleep. Then this morning I had the worst nausea ever, I nearly threw up when I was working on the phones! So during my break I bought a pregnancy test because I was late. Since I have irregular periods I just thought my period was just about to arrive. There was a little surprise waiting for me in the bathroom....
I'm pregnant!
I have no idea how far along I am but judging by how quickly it came up with the positive result, I'm at least over 4 weeks. This month I had to postpone fertility treatments because of the Buffalo weather in early November. Rightfully so because there was no way my husband and I could drive to the specialist office almost everyday. So I never kept track of when I was ovulating or when we decided to have sex. Even though I feel like every other time I was pregnant this time it's different. I haven't had implantation bleeding the week prior.
I'm crossing my fingers and toes that this is it but being overly cautious. My EDD is August 14, 2015 if all goes well!
♥ About Me
My name is Jessica and I'm 31 years old. I live in WNY, married to the love of my life and have two adorable kitties and pup! I work from home and absolutely love it! Gotta pay the bills, y'all!
Even though most of our time together has been blissful, there is also some pain to our story. In 2005 I had an ectopic pregnancy and in 2010 I had a missed miscarriage. An ectopic is when the fetus implants somewhere else, rather in the uterus (most common areas are the Fallopian tubes). A missed miscarriage is when the body still thinks the fetus is alive when it passed. After the two losses, we went to an RE who then diagnosed us as Unexplained Infertility and Reoccurring Pregnancy Loss in 2011. May 2014 I then miscarried again at 5 weeks with a chemical pregnancy after our second IUI.
If things couldn't get any worse, I was then diagnosed with Narcolepsy after I was misdiagnosed with being clinically depressed. After the lengthy battle of getting that diagnosis out of my medical records, we are still up in the air if we plan to adopt. Most adoption agencies will not consider adults who are diagnosed with this or any other mental illnesses all in the name of keeping the child's best interest in mind. This fight was just for my sake because agencies still frown on me because of my recent diagnosis. But the hypocrisy in all of that is where is CPS keeping that perspective to a drug addicted mother who can't take care of her kids but still keeps those she reproduces with a "sperm donor"? What is wrong with me being an adopted mother because I'm a Narcoleptic? I routinely make sure I take my medication, follow a strict diet, go to my routine medical appointments to ensure my medication is working, and pursuing job opportunities. Ahh, because it's medical expenses that my health insurance covers but it makes them think I don't have any money nor energy for that child. right.
♥ loves
Of course, my first love will be my adorable hubby! He's my rock and is there when I need him the most. I don't know if I could get through my dark days without him. I love to watch movies, playing video games, working out, and listening to music. Both of us are Disney fans and love going down to Florida every now and then.
♥ Desires
♥ Acroynms that I use
BFN: Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result)
IUI: Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
TTA: Trying To Avoid
TTC: Trying To Conceive